What Spatial Computing does to Med-Tech?
Will everyone have access to doctors? Can everyone afford their fees? What ailments will be curable? How many patients will suffer with undiagnosed conditions? What kind of technology will we have at our disposal?
The questions that rattle around in our heads when it comes to how we manage our personal heath may change dramatically as spatial computing tools enter all fields of medicine. They may equalize Health Care in many ways.
New Levels of Assisted Living We’ve often said that technology is meant to solve problems rather than just look fancy. This is probably most relevant to Health Care where functional progress has immediate benefits for human quality of life. NuEyes takes usability and practicality to heart with smart-glasses that act as a visual prosthetic for people with extreme vision impairment. Rather than replicating the real world in a heavy headset, these AR glasses are a hands-free solution for bringing the real world into better focus. Electronic Caregiver has adapted the concept of a virtual assistant for ongoing health maintenance tasks. At CES 2019, they introduced Addison, a virtual home care nurse developed with Amazon’s Sumerian Host platform. Addison monitors everything from medication to posture. And of course, she can call for help, should the need arise.
Smart prosthetic limbs are in the works as well which will be capable of brain/machine interfacing, equipped with smart skin and lifelike design.
When we picture the future of assisted living, we can forget visions of robots replacing nurses. This is a future in which many problems are corrected at the source.
Until next time, we want you to know, that we are making it happen, spatially of course!
Kudos to folks at stambolstudios for helping us out!